If you were present then you would know how amazing the trivia, the performance and the quiz was. As one of the audience members said later ‘It was off the hook’*. This was one of those quizzes where you have only a couple of teams vying for the top spot right from the every beginning. While the rest are scavenging for whatever’s left and in this case it was the third position. What the Jaipur team was to the Gwalior edition the XIMB team was to the Lucknow edition. Their only other (dare I say) recognized competitor was the team of second years from IIM-L. The prelims had 46 teams participating from Lucknow and its periphery. The finals had six teams and thankfully all of them were from 6 different colleges, one of them being the host, IISE. The first round as well as the second round did not throw up a lot of surprises as the two powerhouses of quizzing XIMB and IIM-L maintaining a healthy lead with the hosts at a distant third. Scores before the final round- IISE-12, IIM-L- 24 and XIMB- 32 The final round started with IISE surprising everyone by opting for a 4 pointer instead of going all out for survival with a 15er. All my efforts to try and make them understand that their plan is err.. ‘success-proof’ were in vain. Maybe they just wanted to continue being the awesome hosts that they had been till then and give the visitors an opportunity to have a go at the National finals. So as expected they missed out on the top two positions and the opportunity to participate in the national finals. Now moving on to the next lowest team IIM-L, they got their quite valiant choice, an 8er to put the XIMB team in a little bit of force per unit area. The cool customers from XIMB cracked their 4 pointer to make the local team go for either an all out 15er or a draw with an 8. They opted for the former and missed the Royal Warrant holders completely as XIMB then took a calculated risk by opting for an 8er to complete the half century. But unfortunately for the sport of quizzing none of the teams could live up to their reputation under pressure and it ended with both teams collecting a negative. However, since XIMB had a comfortable lead ahead of IIM-L, the team from Bhubaneshwar went back home as the champions of Lucknow. Whatever sense that makes. Final scores- XIMB- 40, IIM-L- 32 and IISE- 12 * If it was on the hook, who would put it there?…. hookers?? Some questions from the quiz- 1. The Coffee board of India has a mascot. Its named Coffee—– 2. Which company runs a programme called Steelworker for the Future that pays US high school graduates to undergo training for two years and a chance to work with the company on completion of the programme?
3. COLORS: A MAGAZINE ABOUT THE REST OF THE WORLD Created by photographer Oliviero Toscani and art director Tibor Kalman in 1991 to show the world to the world. The message has remained the same: diversity is good. Who publishes it? 4. The French film Défilé du 8e Battalion, Meaning “Parade of the 8th Battalion”, by the Lumière brothers gave birth to what kind of advertising or marketing strategy? 5. The retail industry is suffering heavy losses (around $14 billion annually) due to the practice of buying an item, using it once and then returning it for a refund, having had the intention of doing so when buying the item. This trend is generally observed around New Year’s. What is it called?